Younger generations less likely to eat wonky fruit and veg, survey reveals


UK consumers between 18 and 24 are 23% less likely to eat wonky fruit and vegetables than older generations, a new Dash Water survey reveals.

The data which comes from a poll of 1,000 consumers surveyed by the sparkling water brand in July, found that 93% of over 65s would choose to eat misshapen fresh produce.

The figure, although still high, drops to 70% for those of a younger age range. Across all within the survey, almost nine of 10 agreed they would eat wonky fruit and veg if it was available.

Most open to the produce in the north of England with 90% saying they would eat it, the figure drops to 77% in London.

Although a large proportion of those surveyed would eat misshapen fruit and veg, between 30-40% of this fresh produce still goes to waste.

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These figures follow Dash’s London-based campaign in July which aimed to raise awareness of food waste across the UK.

The #lovewonky movement saw posters featuring wonky fruit and veg across London’s underground and bus stations, looking to reach three million people across the capital.

“The public response to our #lovewonky campaign was overwhelming and we were delighted to see the nation embracing our beloved Mr Nosebergine, who TFL had banned for being too misshapen,” Dash founder, Jack Scott told The Grocer.

“The results of our poll confirm the nation is ready for wonky fruit and veg and this should give the wider industry the reassurance to dial up efforts to make this delicious produce available and help tackle our food waste issue.”

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